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Friday, 11 December 2015

My advent blog...day ten and eleven

This my advent blog. Something to tell to you of that you may not have heard elsewhere, or of my worries or concerns about life. You may be able to relate to the themes I shall express so please enjoy.

So to paint the next windows or picture for days 10 & 11. Remember it is always nice to build up a few openings as those chocolates are so small...and anyway we are a busy lot.

This caring lark has been difficult. My father went to the dementia suite and it was full with clients with the same infliction. My mum was being cared for at home by the visiting enablement team. Not sure if it were just tiredness but for some reason I burst into tears in the middle of the local supermarket.

Today was a much different day. A better day. Mum joked with the carer...both pint size; carer and patient...lol. Dad slept well, think I slept well, better at least. And after dinner, mum wrote out Xmas cards and dad watched a film and I was able to visit my own family for a brief time...hooray!

Perhaps things will get better or my prayer has been answered and an Angel is at my side...so bearing all this in mind I ponder you the Rocking Around the Xmas Tree.

Enjoy your chocolates

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